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Lecture at the University of Nyíregyháza
On 17.11.2022, our staff gave a lecture to the students of Nyíregyházi University about our program and the importance of renewable energy.
The Way Out Of EnergyTrap conference and award ceremony
On October 13, 2022 in Nyíregyháza and on October 14, 2022 in Vásárosnamény, the closing conference and award ceremony of the HUSKOROUA 1702/6.1/0138 Way out of EnergyTrap project organized by ENEREA .
International closing conference and award ceremony Városnamény
2022.10.14-én a Hotel Hunor ad otthont a HUSKROUA 1702/6.1/0138 WAY OUT OF ENERGYTRAP projekt záróeseményének. A nap folyamán ukrán és szlovák partnereinket is vendégül látjuk, és megrendezésre kerül az ENERGYTRAP Kvíz nemzetközi döntője is.
The way out of energy trap/ HUSKROUA 1702/6.1/0138
The final event of The way out of energy trap (HUSKROUA 1702/6.1/0138) will start soon! Link: